How To Change Menu Item Visibility

To change a menu item visibility, please follow the steps below:

Click on the TablePath logo in the top left.

Click on Menus on the left-hand side of the dashboard.

Click on Menu Items.

Next to the item you wish to edit the visibility for, select the edit button (pencil icon).

Scroll down to the section 'Availabilty' and then tick Is Active' to make the menu item active. You should wish to deactivate the item, untick this box.

If you would like the menu items to appear on the website from, or to, a specific date - set the 'Available From' and 'Available To' fields.

To make the menu visible on the website for specific days and/or at specific times, tick the relevant day and/or input the 'Available From' and 'Available To' times.

Click on 'Save'at the bottom of the pop-up window once done.

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