How To Change Menu Item Visibility
To change a menu item visibility, please follow the steps below:
- 1
- Click on the TablePath logo in the top left.
- 2
- Click on Menus on the left-hand side of the dashboard.
- 3
- Click on Menu Items.
- 4
- Next to the item you wish to edit the visibility for, select the edit button (pencil icon).
- 5
- Scroll down to the section 'Availabilty' and then tick Is Active' to make the menu item active. You should wish to deactivate the item, untick this box.
- 6
- If you would like the menu items to appear on the website from, or to, a specific date - set the 'Available From' and 'Available To' fields.
- 7
- To make the menu visible on the website for specific days and/or at specific times, tick the relevant day and/or input the 'Available From' and 'Available To' times.
- 8
- Click on 'Save'at the bottom of the pop-up window once done.