How To Enable Reservation Stacking

If you would like to enable this function, your reservations will be positioned to slot in directly in front of another reservation, with no gap between reservations. These types of table allocations will be given priority over best fit and priority. For instructions on how to enable this, please see the steps below:

Click on the TablePath logo in the top left.

Click on Configure at the bottom left hand side of the page.

PLEASE NOTE: if you're unable to see the 'Configure' link, please see the following:

Click on Settings.

Quick Link: To go directly to the 'Settings' page, please click here:

Click on 'Reservations'.

Scroll down the page until you reach 'Enable Reservation Stacking'.

Alternatively, you can use CTRL+F on your keyboard and then type 'Enable Reservation Stacking' to find the correct section.

If the box is switched to 'OFF', then click on the box to switch it to 'ON', to enable this setting and vice versa.

If you tick this box, your reservations will be positioned to slot in directly in front of another reservation, with no gap between reservations. These types of table allocations will be given priority over best fit and priority.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click 'Save' to implement your new settings.

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