Why Is There No Table Assigned To A Booking

If you can see a booking in TablePath where there is no table assigned, it may be a result of one of the following:

  1. The table the booking was assigned to was deactivated. In the 'Configure > Rooms & Tables' section, it's possible to mark a table as 'Inactive', which removes it from the reservations page. The booking will still be there on the list page but it won't have a table assigned to it.
  2. The setting 'Enable Automatic Table Reallocation' in 'Configure > Settings > Reservations' was enabled without consulting support, as per the setting description. Please contact support (support@tablepath.com), should that be the case here.
  3. At the time the booking was made, the setting 'Disable Table Allocation Restrictions' was enabled for that particular opening hour. This setting allows bookings be made without they being allocated to a table. To enable table allocation once more, please go to 'Configure > Opening Hours > Edit Opening Hour', untick that checkbox and click 'Save'. Changing this won't retrospectively allocate bookings to tables, it only affects bookings made from that point onwards.

If none of the above apply to your situation, please contact support at support@tablepath.com

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