How To Lock A Reservation To A Table

If you would like to lock a reservation to a specific table, follow the instructions below:

Please Note: if a Staff Member manually adjusts the table of a reservation, rather than an automatic assignment by the system, this will result in a reservation being locked to a table. Please see examples below of instances that will lock a reservation to a table:

  • Whilst in 'Grid View' dragging and dropping a reservation to a table.
  • Clicking on a table in 'Grid View' and adding a reservation this way.
  • Whilst in the 'Edit' reservation pop-up window, manually adjusting the assigned table(s).
Click on the TablePath logo in the top left.

Click on Reservations.

Quick Link: To go directly to the 'Reservations' page, please click here:

Click on the reservation you would like to lock the table to. If you are using grid view then click on the reservation and click 'Edit' or double click on the reservation.

If you have PIN codes enabled, enter in your unique User PIN.

Scroll down the pop-up until you reach 'Assigned Table(s)'.
If you want to lock a reservation to a table then click on the checkbox that says 'Locked To Table?' (Just below where it says 'Assigned Table(s)').

When finished, click 'Save' at the bottom of the pop-up.

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