How To Edit The Floor Plan

If you would like to edit or create a 'Floor Plan', please follow the steps below:

Click on the TablePath logo in the top left.

Click on Reservations.

On the top left-hand side of the page, click on the section to edit the 'View Type'.

(This may say 'List View' or 'Grid View').

At the bottom of this pop-up where it says 'View Type', click on 'Floor View'.

When done, click 'Save' to reveal 'Floor View'.

Prior to editing, select the room whose floor plans you'd like to edit from the drop-down list - this can be found in the bottom right-hand corner.

Once you have the correct 'Room' selected, click 'Edit'.

If no table positions had been set up previously, or you wish to start over again, click on the 'Reset button - all tables will be stacked at the top left corner of the grid, ready to be repositioned.

To move a table around, click on it and drag it to the desired position.

When you're finished, click on the 'Save' button in the bottom right-hand corner.

Floor Plan Useful Tips

To change a table's shape/layout, simply click on the table once and three options will be displayed: rectangle, round, and topped.

To rotate a table, click on it once and then click on one of the circular arrows, in the direction you would like to rotate it in.

To move or pan around the floor plan - click and hold on an empty area, and drag around the floor plan.

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