How To Set A Cutoff Time For Reservations

If you would like to set an 'Online Reservation Cutoff Time' before a service start time, please follow the steps in the following Help Article:

Click on the TablePath logo in the top left.

Click on Configure at the bottom left hand side of the page.

PLEASE NOTE: if you're unable to see the 'Configure' link, please see the following:

Click on Opening Hours.

Quick Link: If you are already logged into the TablePath Dashboard, click on the following link to jump straight to 'Opening Hours':

Click on the edit button (pencil icon) beside the opening hour you want to set the cutoff time for.

Go to the field 'Online Reservation Cutoff Time' and select the minutes you want to set as the cutoff time. So if you were to set the cutoff time to 1 hour and you open at 5pm, online reservations will be available up to 4pm. After 4pm the customer will be prompted to call.

Click 'Save' to save your new setting.

After saving, all future online booking attempts after the cutoff time will be blocked.

PLEASE NOTE: You'll need to set the cutoff time for each opening hour in order for online reservations to be blocked at a certain time. For example, blocking online lunch bookings at 12pm will not block dinner bookings later in the day.

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