How To Create A Custom Report
If you'd like to setup your own report for reservations, vouchers, customers or reviews, please do the following:
- Go to the Reports page (
- Click on the report type.
- Click the 'Add New' button.
- Enter the title for your report.
- Select the fields you'd like for your report by clicking the 'Add Field' link. A field is the data for the report and you can choose from many of the different data fields we gather for each report type.
- If you'd like to change the name of the field, just click on the field name and edit the name as you see fit.
- If you'd like to change the order of the fields, please drag the field to the position of your choice.
- Select how you want the data filtered by clicking the 'Add Filter' link. You can filter on any of the data fields we gather for the report type. PLEASE NOTE: If you are in the Reservations report type and you want to exclude cancelled bookings from your report, please make sure to add the 'Is Valid' filter and set it to true. This will mean only valid (non cancelled) bookings will be included in your report. If you forget this filter, all bookings (include cancelled bookings) will be included in the report.
- If you'd like your report data filtered in a certain way, please click the 'Add Field' link in the 'Sorting' section. You can only sort on the fields you've selected in the 'Fields' section.
- Click 'Save'.
After saving the report you'll be brought to the 'Generated Reports' page. All of our reports are scheduled for generation and can take a few seconds to complete (especially if it's the first report being generated for your account that day) but if you don't want to wait, the system will automatically email you the results of the report when they are completed.
If the results of your report are not what you expected or if you'd just like confirmation that they were done correctly, please contact support at