Hotsoft Changes Not Syncing To TablePath

PLEASE NOTE: Syncing can take up to15 minutes to complete.

Hotsoft Reservation Cancelled - Not Cancelling In TablePath

If you have bookings that are cancelled in Hotsoft but TablePath is not reflecting these cancellations, the issue is likely with the windows service program that automatically runs on your Hotsoft machine.

In this instance, please contact Planet/Hoist Support at and they'll be able to rectify that issue.

Hotsoft Reservation Edited - Not Reflecting In TablePath

The following changes that are automatically synced within the Hotsoft/TablePath integration, are any changes that are made to the room number, arrival date, departure date, rate code and rate description - these should all be automatically synced over to TablePath.

However, if the date of the Hotsoft booking is altered, in order for this to be automatically updated in TablePath, the following two conditions must be met:
If the hotel booking is for 1 night only.


If there is availability on the date the hotel booking is being changed to.

What Happens If A Condition Is Not Met?

The booking will not be moved automatically by the system, and an email triggered alerting you of the required manual adjustment. Please see example below:

I Am Not Receiving These Notifications

To check to see if these notifications are enabled for your User profile, please follow the steps below:

Please Note: always check your spam folder for these emails if you are not receiving these notifications.

Click on the TablePath logo in the top left.

Click on Configure at the bottom left hand side of the page.

PLEASE NOTE: if you're unable to see the 'Configure' link, please see the following:

Click on Users.

Quick Link: To go directly to the 'Users' page, please click here:

Next to the User profile you wish to check for notification emails, click the 'Edit' button.

Scroll down the page until you reach 'Receive Alerts For Hotel Booking Date Changes. If this email notification is not enabled, tick the box to enable this setting.

Please Note: If you are still having issues with syncing after following this information and/or steps, please contact support at

Should you wish to 'disable' these notifications, the same steps from above apply, with the difference required to untick the checked box.
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