How To Disable Table Allocations
If you would like to disable automatic table allocations, please follow the steps below:
- 1
- Click on the TablePath logo in the top left.
- 2
- Click on Configure at the bottom left hand side of the page.
PLEASE NOTE: if you're unable to see the 'Configure' link, please see the following:
- 3
- Click on Opening Hours.
Quick Link: To go directly to the 'Opening Hours' page, please click here:
- 4
- Find the opening hour you'd like to disable table allocations for, and click 'Edit' (pencil icon).
- 5
- Towards the bottom of the pop-up window, check the box for 'Disable Table Allocation Restrictions', to disable automatic table allocations. All reservations will be placed on your first priority table.
- 6
Enter a value for 'Max Persons In Restaurant'.
PLEASE NOTE: If you check this and don't set a max persons at any one time (see below), there will be no restrictions for reservations.
- N.B.
The above setting restricts the number of covers in the restaurant. If you don't want any restriction, set this field as 0.
PLEASE NOTE: This setting is NOT for the capacity every 15 minutes or half hour. If you enter a number here, your restaurant will not able to take more than that number. For example, if you set this value at 20 and you get 10 people book at 6pm and 10 people at 6:15pm, you won't be able to take any more bookings until 8pm (if your bookings are 2 hours long).
If you're in any doubt about what this setting does, please contact support at
- 7
- Click on 'Save' at the bottom of the pop-up.