How To Add A Custom Reservation Status
If you would like to create and add a custom reservation status, please follow the steps below:
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- Click on the TablePath logo in the top left.
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- Click on Configure at the bottom left hand side of the page.
PLEASE NOTE: if you're unable to see the 'Configure' link, please see the following:
- 3
- Click on Statuses.
Quick Link: To go directly to the 'Statuses' page, please click here:
- 4
- Click on '+ Add New Status'.
- 5
- Fill in a title for the new status and select a color, preferably one that hasn't already been selected.
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Ensure to tick 'Is Active' to make this reservation status active.
If you'd like the list and floor view to automatically display this status as the next status for a reservation, click on 'Next Status' and select the next status in the dropdown.
If you would like this status to follow on from another status, go to the desired reservation status and select your new status as its next status.
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Input the 'Sort Order' - this is the order in which statuses are to appear. Please enter numbers only.
And finally, click 'Add New Reservation Status' to save and create the new status.
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- Please Note: You will need to refresh the page after adding a new status, in order to see it in the list of possible next reservation statuses.