How To Change Cancellation Notice & Penalty Fee

If you would like to alter the cancellation notice period and/or penalty fee, please follow the steps below:

Click on the TablePath logo in the top left.

Click on Configure at the bottom left hand side of the page.

PLEASE NOTE: if you're unable to see the 'Configure' link, please see the following:

Click on Settings.

Quick Link: To go directly to the 'Settings' page, please click here:

Click on 'Reservations'.

Scroll down the page until you reach 'Cancellation Notice In Hours'.

Alternatively, you can use CTRL+F on your keyboard and then type 'Cancellation Notice In Hours' to find the correct section.

To adjust this setting, input the number of hours before a reservation in which a customer can cancel their reservation without incurring a penalty fee.

'Cancellation Penalty Fee' - This number is the penalty fee paid by customers if they cancel their reservation after the notice period has passed, or if they do not show up for their reservation. This fee is per person.

When you have made your changes, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click 'Save'.

PLEASE NOTE: This change to the penalty fee will only apply to future bookings. Existing bookings will have their penalty fee set at the time of the booking.

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