How To Add Table Combinations

If you're looking to setup your table combinations (or table joins as they are sometimes referred to), please see the instructions below.

We recommend setting up as many table combinations as possible, to give the system a wide range of tables to allocate bookings to. If the system doesn't know all the different ways the tables can be joined together for a booking, it will limit the number of larger bookings that can be taken online.

Click on the 'TablePath' logo in the top left.

Click on 'Configure' at the bottom left hand side of the page.

If you're unable to see the 'Configure' link, please see the following:

Click on 'Rooms & Tables'.

Quick Link: If you are already logged into the TablePath Dashboard, click on the following link to jump straight to the 'Rooms & Tables':

Click on 'Table Combinations' next to the room you'd like to edit.

You will then be presented with all of your tables, including the maximum number of seat covers they can hold in a clickable format.

Click on the tables you would like to combine (table join), these will then turn green when selected.

Fill out the details on the right hand side of the page. This includes setting a priority number, as well as inputting the Minimum Seats and Maximum Seats this 'Table Combination' can hold.

The priority number is used to determine the order in which the table joins are allocated.

Click on 'Add Combination' to save your table combination. This will now be displayed in the list titled 'Tables'.
Should you wish to make any edits to your table combinations, please click on the edit icon (pencil icon), shown below:

Repeat this process to add all of the table combinations that you need.
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