How To Add Menu Items To A Menu

If you are looking to add a menu item to an existing or a new menu, please follow the instructions below:

Click on the TablePath logo in the top left.

Click on Menus on the left-hand side of the dashboard.

Click on Menus in the Menus section.

Quick Link: To go directly to the 'Menus' page, please click here:

Select 'Courses >>'.

To begin adding items to your menu, select 'Menu Items >>'.

Click on 'Add New Menu Item'.

Click on the 'Menu Item' dropdown and select an item from your previously added 'Menu Items'.

Once you have selected your new menu item, enter in the 'Sort Order' - this number will determine the order which the option is displayed, with lower numbers being displayed first. And then select 'Add New Menu Item' to finish adding the menu item.

You can add as many 'Menu Items' to a 'Menu/Course' as you wish. These will be displayed in order or their 'Sort Order'. To rearrange the way the items are displayed on the website, simply adjust the sort order.

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