How To Add Options To A Menu Item

To learn how to add your newly created menu item options to a menu item, please follow the steps below:

Please note: before completing the steps in this help article, please ensure that you have first created the option groups for the menu item:

Click on the TablePath logo in the top left.

Click on Menus on the left-hand side of the dashboard.

Click on Menu Items.

Quick Link: To go directly to the 'Menu Items' page, please click here:

Next to the menu item you wish to add a 'Menu Item Options Group' to, click on 'Options>>'.

Click '+ Add New'.

Select the 'Menu Item Option Group' from the dropdown box.

If you would like to add either a 'Minimum' or 'Maximum' number of items that a customer can select, enter a number into these fields.

To set the number of items a customer 'Must Select', complete this field.

Next, input the 'Sort Order' which will determine the order which your option is displayed, with lower number displayed first.

And finally, select 'Add New Option Group'.

Please note, that you can add more than one 'Option Groups' to a single menu item should it be required:

If you would like to edit an option group in a menu item, click on the pencil icon. Or, to delete an option group in a menu item, select the dustbin icon.

Now your 'Menu Item' has its new 'Menu Item Options', it is ready to be added to an existing menu or a new menu. Please head over to the following article for the next steps:

How To Add Menu Items To A Menu.

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