How To Delete A Room

If you would like to delete a 'Room' from the 'Rooms & Tables' page, please follow the steps below:

Click on Configure at the bottom left hand side of the page.

PLEASE NOTE: if you're unable to see the 'Configure' link, please see the following:

Click on Rooms & Tables.

Quick Link: To go directly to the 'Rooms & Tables' page, please click here:

Prior to deleting a ' Room', ensure to complete the below steps in order:

If the ' Room' has nothing associated with it, you can jump to step 5.
First, delete the 'Table Combinations' associated with the ' Room'.

Delete any 'Blocked Tables' affecting that ' Room'.

Delete any 'Blocked Times' affecting that ' Room'.

Delete any 'Opening Hours' affecting that ' Room'.

Delete all 'Tables' in that ' Room'.

Proceed to delete the room by clicking ' Delete' (dustbin icon) next to the room while on the 'Rooms' screen.

A pop-up window will ask you to confirm if you would like to delete the room, click ' Delete Room'.

Unable To Delete A Table

If you are unable to delete a table, it's because there has been a booking assigned to it; either in the past or in the future. If there is at least one table in the room that can’t be deleted, you will not be able to delete the room.

If this happens, you can hide the room instead of deleting it. This will have the same affect throughout the platform as deleting it, except the room is still visible in the 'Rooms & Tables' page.

To mark a room as inactive, follow the instructions below:

Click on the ' Edit' icon next to the 'Room'.

Untick ' Is Active'

Click ' Save' to deactivate and hide the ' Room'.

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