How To Unblock A Blocked Time
Unblocking a blocked time allows to delete a blocked time for a single occurrence or all occurrences in an existing blocked time. This may be required if you wish to open up in-house and/or online reservations for a set date(s).
- 1
- Click on the 'TablePath' logo in the top left.
- 2
- Click on 'Reservations' .
Quick Link: If you are already logged into the TablePath Dashboard, click on the following link to jump straight to the 'Reservations':
- 3
- Go to the date you'd like to unblock a time on.
- 4
- Click on 'Menu' on the top right of your page.
N.B. The Blocked Times window can also be accessed by clicking on the time at the top of the Grid View - please see image below:
- 5
- Click on 'Blocked Times' on the right hand side of your page.
- 6
- When the pop-up window opens, click on the 'Existing' tab.
- 7
- Click the 'Delete' button (red cross symbol) next to the blocked time you wish to unblock.
- 8
If your blocked time spans more than one day, you'll get a choice: 'Delete Only This Blocked Time' or 'Delete All Occurrences'.
Select 'Delete Only This Blocked Time' to delete for that specific day or select 'Delete All Occurrences' to delete for all dates mentioned in that blocked time.