How To Request A Credit Card For Reservations

This function allows you to request your customers to provide a valid credit card in order to reserve their table. This can be tailored to your preferences, such as: how much notice you wish your customers to provide, or if a reservation is over a certain group size. You can also adjust your penalty fee.

PLEASE NOTE: that the charging of the customer is at your discretion and is not an automatic charge - this function is designed to capture the customers credit card details only.

You must have connected to a valid Stripe account on the connect page.

Click on the 'TablePath' logo in the top left.

Click on 'Configure' at the bottom left hand side of the page.

If you're unable to see the 'Configure' link, please see the following:

Click on 'Settings'.

Quick Link: If you are already logged into the TablePath Dashboard, click on the following link to jump straight to the 'Settings':

Click on 'Reservations'

Scroll down the page until you reach 'Credit Card Required For Reservations'.

Alternatively, you can use Control Find (Ctrl + F key) to find words or phrases quickly.
If the box next to it says 'OFF', then click on the box to switch it to 'ON'. This means customers will be required to provide a credit card to reserve their table.

Please note that an active and connected Stripe account is required to be able to take payments and holds from customers.

Enter a value for 'Credit Card Required For Reservation Size'. This is a minimum number of covers, which will trigger a request for a credit card when online bookings are made.

Enter a value for 'Cancellation Notice In Hours'. This is the number of hours in advance of a reservation time, that the customer must give as notice for a cancellation. If the booking is cancelled after the specified cancellation notice, you may, at your discretion, charge the customer.

To view your late cancellations, please visit the following Help Article:

Enter a value for 'Cancellation Penalty Fee'. This fee is per person in the booking.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click 'Save'.

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