How To Request A Credit Card For Reservations
This function allows you to request your customers to provide a valid credit card in order to reserve their table. This can be tailored to your preferences, such as: how much notice you wish your customers to provide, or if a reservation is over a certain group size. You can also adjust your penalty fee.
PLEASE NOTE: that the charging of the customer is at your discretion and is not an automatic charge - this function is designed to capture the customers credit card details only.
You must have connected to a valid Stripe account on the connect page.
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- Click on the 'TablePath' logo in the top left.
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- Click on 'Configure' at the bottom left hand side of the page.
If you're unable to see the 'Configure' link, please see the following:
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- Click on 'Settings'.
Quick Link: If you are already logged into the TablePath Dashboard, click on the following link to jump straight to the 'Settings':
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- Click on 'Reservations'
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Scroll down the page until you reach 'Credit Card Required For Reservations'.
Alternatively, you can use Control Find (Ctrl + F key) to find words or phrases quickly.
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If the box next to it says 'OFF', then click on the box to switch it to 'ON'. This means customers will be required to provide a credit card to reserve their table.
Please note that an active and connected Stripe account is required to be able to take payments and holds from customers.
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- Enter a value for 'Credit Card Required For Reservation Size'. This is a minimum number of covers, which will trigger a request for a credit card when online bookings are made.
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- Enter a value for 'Cancellation Notice In Hours'. This is the number of hours in advance of a reservation time, that the customer must give as notice for a cancellation. If the booking is cancelled after the specified cancellation notice, you may, at your discretion, charge the customer.
To view your late cancellations, please visit the following Help Article:
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- Enter a value for 'Cancellation Penalty Fee'. This fee is per person in the booking.
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- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click 'Save'.