How To Charge A Late Cancellation Or No Show

This function allows you, at your discretion, to charge a 'Late Cancellation' or 'No Show'. To request a payment card from a customer during a booking, you must have an active Stripe account that is connected to TablePath. Along with this you must have enabled the function 'Credit Card Required For Reservations'. If you do not have this enabled, please head to the following Help Article:

To learn the steps for marking a customer as a 'Late Cancellation' or 'No Show' please visit the following Help Article:

Click on the 'TablePath' logo in the top left.

Click on 'Reservations' .

Click on 'Menu' on the top-right corner of the reservations page

Click on 'Cancellations'.

Quick Link: If you are already logged into the TablePath Dashboard, click on the following link to jump straight to the 'Cancellations':

Select the 'Room' you wish to view for the Late Cancellations - button is presented in the top right corner of the screen.

Should you have any 'Late Cancellations' these will be displayed here. If you do not have any cancellations to process the following will be displayed:

Find the customer you wish to charge and select 'Charge'.

A pop-up window with a summary of the customer's details including the amount to be charge will be shown. Please review the customer's details to ensure you have all of the correct details, and then click 'Charge Customer'

At your own discretion; you may wish to not charge the customer, you then will click 'Don't Charge' to remove the customer from the list.

Please Note: In the rare event that you are presented with the error message below, please log in to your Stripe account. Search for the customers profile, and attempt to charge them through Stripe's platform. This will display a correct error message in relation to their card; such as if the customer has insufficient funds or has a cancelled card.

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