How To Export Your Bookings From ResDiary

To learn how to export your bookings from ResDiary into a CSV file, ready for importing into TablePath, please follow the steps below:

In the ' Reports Dashboard', underneath the header ' Booking Reports', click on ' Booking Report'.

Once in the ' Booking Report', click on the ' Booking Details' tab.

On the right side bar, select ' All Venues' from the ' Venues' dropdown tab.

This image shows the venues selected.

Under ' Date Type' select ‘ More’, this will then bring up the ' Time Period' selection.

Under the ' Time Period' setting, select a date in the future to ensure it covers all future bookings.

Under ' List Settings', select all columns.

Add a ' Report Title' and then click ' Save' the report.

When the report has loaded, select ‘ Export' and then click ' Export as CSV’.

And finally, when that finishes, select ‘ Download CSV’.

Once you have completed all of these steps and are ready to move onto importing your bookings directly into TablePath, please revert to the following help article: How To Import Your Bookings Into TablePath

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