Step 4 - Widget Custom Text

To learn how to edit the various custom texts in your new reservation widget, please follow the steps below. Alternatively, please click on one of the headers below to jump to the relevant section:

Text For Room Step

'Text For Room Step' - This will appear at the top of the room step. If only one room is selected from the 'Rooms' list, this step will not appear in your reservation widget.

Where To Edit Text:

Where This Text Will Be Displayed:

Text For Guests Step

'Text For Guests Step' - This will appear at the top of the guest step.

Where To Edit Text:

Where This Text Will Be Displayed:

Text For Bookings More Than Max Allowed

'Text For Bookings More Than Max Allowed' - This will appear underneath the 'Number of guests' options. It should be used to state the contact policy for bookings where the size is more than the max allowed.

The default text states 'Is your party larger than [max_per_booking]? Please call us on [phone_number] to make your booking.'.

NOTE: The following codes can be used to dynamically fill the text: [max_per_booking], [phone_number] and [email].

Where To Edit Text:

Where This Text Will Be Displayed:

Text For Date Step

'Text For Date Step' - This will appear at the top of the date step.

Where To Edit Text:

Where This Text Will Be Displayed:

Text For Table Type Step

'Text For Table Type Step' - This will appear at the top of the table type step. If all of your tables are the same type or if the setting above called 'Display Table Type' is unticked, this step will not appear in your reservation widget.

Where To Edit Text:

Where This Text Will Be Displayed:

Text For Time Step

'Text For Time Step' - This will appear at the top of the times step.

Where To Edit Text:

Where This Text Will Be Displayed:


Text For No Available Times

'Text For No Available Times' - This will appear at the top of the times step, if there are no times available for that date.

Where To Edit Text:

Where This Text Will Be Displayed:

Text For Contact Details Step

'Text For Contact Details Step' - This will appear at the top of the contact details step.

Where To Edit Text:

Where This Text Will Be Displayed:

Text For Custom Messages Step

'Text For Custom Messages Step' - This will appear at the top of the custom messages step.

Where To Edit Text:

Where This Text Will Be Displayed:

Text For Payment Card Step

'Text For Payment Card Step' - This will appear at the top of the payment card step.

Where To Edit Text:

Where This Text Will Be Displayed:

Text For Booking Complete Step

'Text For Booking Complete Step' - This will appear at the top of the reservation completed step.

Where To Edit Text:

Where This Text Will Be Displayed:


Please head back to the previous help article to continue the reservation widget setup:

Step 2 - Advanced Widget Settings

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