Step 2 - Advanced Widget Settings

For instructions on how to set your advanced widget settings, please follow the steps in this help article. Alternatively, please click on one of the headers below to jump to the relevant section:

Cover Sizes

Under the header Advanced Settings enter in the Minimum & Maximum Number Of Guests into the relative fields for the reservation widget.

Booking Period

Set the advanced period that you would like to take reservations for. Only one 'Booking Period' is to be selected. The booking period can be set in either number of days, weeks or months in advance.

Field & Steps Display

The 'Display Notes Field' is automatically enabled. However, should you wish to hide the notes field, toggle the button to off.

This field sets whether the Notes field (labelled 'Special requests' on the form) is displayed or not.

The 'Display Table Type' feature is automatically disabled. However, should you wish to enable this please toggle the button on. This sets whether the Seating types step is displayed or not. It will only display if there is more than one table type assigned to your tables. Please note that you'll need to set up your seating types before this feature will become active. See the following help article for more details: How To Setup Seating Types

The 'Show All Times' feature is automatically enabled. However, should you wish to hide reservation times that are unavailable, toggle the button to off. Unavilable times will then not be selectable.

Custom Fields & Messages

'Custom Fields & Messages' can be added by heading to the following help articles:

How To Add Custom Messages To The Booking Page

How To Add Custom Fields For Reservations


Styling - Please head to the following help article for information and instructions on the range of styling customisations that are available for your new reservation widget.

Widget Styling

Valid & Invalid Dates

'Invalid Dates'

  • To set a recurring invalid day(s) of the week, please toggle the day(s) you wish to be invalid.

  • To set a specific date(s) as invalid, please click '+Add Specific Date'. To add multiple dates, please add these one-by-one.

'Valid Dates'

  • To set a valid day(s) of the week, please start by making all days in the 'Invalid Dates' field invalid, and then toggle which recurring day(s) you would like to enable reservations for.

  • To set single or multiple valid dates, please make all days in the 'Invalid Dates' field invalid, and then click '+Add Specific Date'.

Blocking Customers

'Blocking Customers'
If you would like to block customers based on their phone number or email address, please enter the information into the relevant field. Email addresses and phone numbers should be separated by a comma.

Please Note: Do not enter a customers calling code part of the phone number, as the system will only compare phone numbers, and not phone number and calling code.

Next, please choose the 'Course Of Action' from the dropdown.

If you would like to receive email alerts when a customer is blocked, please enter the email addresses into the 'Email Recipients For Blocked Customer Alerts' field. Email addresses should be separated by a comma. NOTE: You will only be alerted if the 'Course Of Action' is set to 'Notify Staff By Email'.

To alter the default message that is displayed to a customer with a blocked reservation, please enter in your message into the 'Message When Blocking Customer' field.

If this field is left blank, the default message will read "Unfortunately your reservation could not be completed at this time.".

Custom Text

Custom Text - Please visit the following help article for information and instructions on the range of text customisations that are available for your new reservation widget.

Widget Custom Text


Should you wish to add Google Tag Manager to the reservation widget, please enter in your 'Google Tag Manager Container ID'.


To redirect customers after completing their reservation, please enable the setting 'Redirect Customer After Completing Reservation'.

If you have enabled 'Redirect Customer After Completing Reservation', please enter the URL the user is to be redirected to after completing the reservation. When the page is redirected, the reservation number (number) and the unique ID (uid) of the reservation will be added to the URL.
To edit the 'Return To Website' link in the reservation form section, enter in the URL into the 'Return URL' field. This appears beside your brand logo.

Active Status

To enable or disable your new reservations widget, toggle the 'Active' button to 'On' or 'Off'.

And finally, select 'Save' to complete the setup of your new reservation widget.


Please head back to the following help article to learn how to embed the reservation widget:

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