How To Send A Promotion Email

If you would like to create and publish a promotion email, please follow the steps below:

Click on the TablePath logo in the top left.

Click on Marketing.

Click on Promotions.

Click on the 'Email' tab.

Click on '+ Add New Promotion'.

Select whether it is a 'One Time Only' or 'Recurring' email.

Select the 'Promotion Type' you wish to use from:

  • Blank
  • Last Minute Availability
  • New Menu Announcement
  • Reward Your Customers
  • Announce a competition
  • Promote an event
  • Website Announcement
  • Newsletter

Complete the 'Title' field.

Create a 'Display Title'.

Please note: This title will be used for the public title of this promotion. For example, if you are sending an email as part of this promotion, this title will be used as the subject. If this title is left blank, the title above will be used as the public title.

Add a 'Date', should you wish for your promotion to be for a specific date.

If you are adding a website message and would like it to appear after a specific date, enter the date into 'Website Message Active From'.

If you are adding a website message and would like it to be removed after a specific date, enter the date into 'Website Message Active To'. The message will be removed after this date.

To make the promotional email active tick 'Is Active'.

If you would to make the email a recurring email, tick 'Is Recurring'.

Click on 'Save' to save the settings for your new promotion email.

To edit the message that is presented in your email, click and type into the 'Message' box. A preview of this will be displayed and delivered to your customers under 'Preview'.

If you wish to filter your recipients that the email will be sent to, click on 'Recipient Filters' and filter as desired.

If you wish to send this to all of your customers on your mailing list, leave this as blank.

To add an email message item to your email, click on the '+' symbol and select from the following options:

  • Text
  • Button
  • Link
  • Image
  • Promo Code

Once you are happy with how your email looks, it is strongly advised to send yourself a 'Test Email' and review it. To do this, click on 'Options' in the top right corner and select 'Send Test'

Enter in an email address and click 'Send'.

After examining the 'Test Email', click on 'Publish' in the top right corner. You will then be presented with a pop-up window with a 'Publish Promotion' review; check these details are correct and click on 'Publish' to finalise.

A new pop-up window will appear which will advise you that 'Your promotion has been published!'. You can either click on 'Close' to close the window or click on 'View Stats' to view the promotion stats.

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