How To Create A New Menu
If you would like to learn how to create a new menu, please follow the steps below:
- 1
- Click on the TablePath logo in the top left.
- 2
- Click on Menus on the left-hand side of the dashboard.
- 3
- Click on Menus in the Menus section.
Quick Link: To go directly to the 'Menus' page, please click here:
- 4
- Click on '+ Add New Menu'.
- 5
- Add a 'Title' to your new menu. Along with an optional 'Top Description' and/or 'Bottom Description'.
- 6
- Next, add the 'Sort Order' for your menu. This number determines the order which your menu is displayed. Lower numbers are displayed first.
- 7
- In the 'Availability' section, select the days in which you would like to menu to display on the website. To have this menu appear on the website for all days, ensure to check each box.
- 8
- If you would like the menu to be active from a specific date and/or up to a specific date, select the relevant dates in the 'Date Active From' and 'Date Active To' fields.
- 8
- If you would like the menu to be active from a specific time and/or up to a specific time, select the relevant active times in the 'Time Active From' and 'Time Active To' fields.
- 10
- To make the menu visible on the website, tick 'Is Visible On Website' and then select 'Add New Menu' to complete.
- 12
- To edit any of the settings in a menu, click on the pencil icon. Or, to delete a menu, select the dustbin icon.
- 13
After you have created your new menu, you will now need to add a 'Menu Course'. Click here for the steps:
How To Add A New Course To Menu.