How To Add A New Course To Menu
If you have created a new menu and you are looking for steps on how to add a new course to a menu, please follow the steps below:
- 1
- Click on the TablePath logo in the top left.
- 2
- Click on Menus on the left-hand side of the dashboard.
- 3
- Click on Menus in the Menus section.
Quick Link: To go directly to the 'Menus' page, please click here:
- 4
- Click on 'Courses >>'
- 5
- Enter a title into the 'Title' field - this will be visible on the website. If you would like to hide this, select 'Hide Title On Website'.
- 6
- Then tick 'Is Visible On Website'.
- 7
- Optional: enter a 'Top Description' and/or 'Bottom Description' that will be displayed on the website.
- 8
- Next, add the 'Sort Order' for your course. This number determines the order which your course is displayed. Lower numbers are displayed first.
- 9
- Then input the 'Number Of Columns' your menu will be displayed in. And finally, click 'Save'.
- 10
- If you would like to edit a course in the menu, click on the pencil icon. Or, to delete a course, select the dustbin icon.
- 11
To complete your new menu, you will now need to add 'Menu Items'. For the steps on how to achieve this, click here:
How To Add Menu Items To A Menu.