How To Add A New Course To Menu

If you have created a new menu and you are looking for steps on how to add a new course to a menu, please follow the steps below:

Click on the TablePath logo in the top left.

Click on Menus on the left-hand side of the dashboard.

Click on Menus in the Menus section.

Quick Link: To go directly to the 'Menus' page, please click here:

Click on 'Courses >>'

Enter a title into the 'Title' field - this will be visible on the website. If you would like to hide this, select 'Hide Title On Website'.

Then tick 'Is Visible On Website'.

Optional: enter a 'Top Description' and/or 'Bottom Description' that will be displayed on the website.

Next, add the 'Sort Order' for your course. This number determines the order which your course is displayed. Lower numbers are displayed first.

Then input the 'Number Of Columns' your menu will be displayed in. And finally, click 'Save'.

If you would like to edit a course in the menu, click on the pencil icon. Or, to delete a course, select the dustbin icon.

To complete your new menu, you will now need to add 'Menu Items'. For the steps on how to achieve this, click here:

How To Add Menu Items To A Menu.

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